Modern Slavery Policy

ERA’s objective is to improve the lives of job seekers by creating employment opportunities. We are therefore committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking.

All candidates and jobs seekers are to be treated with respect and dignity. There must be no forced, bonded or involuntary labour.

Placed workers must be free to leave their employment after giving reasonable notice, as per the terms of their contract.

Placed workers have a right to work the duration of their contact.

Placed workers are required to comply with their new employers Code of Conduct policies.

ERA takes reasonable steps to ensure new employers (our clients) treat all workers fairly and do not resort to acts of modern slavery and human trafficking. If we become suspicious of unusual behaviour towards placed workers, we will investigate and if needed inform the relevant authorities.

We encourage all placed workers to inform us if they encounter strange or unusual employment practices related to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

ERA will cease to provide or suspend manpower assistance for any employer found guilty or suspected of carrying out Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking offences.

ERA carry out detailed background checks on all employers prior to signing an official contract.

The Management Team at ERA is committed to fighting all aspects of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.


Why is
European Labour in
High Demand?

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